Fat Spatula

Hulk Hogan takes a swim


Hulk Hogan takes a swim.
Hulk Hogan is always ripping his shirt off in inappropriate places, but this time it’s the right time.
This time he is taking his annual autumnal dip to wash away the sins and transgressions of the past year.


Hulk Hogan takes a swim.
Hulk Hogan is always ripping his shirt off in inappropriate places, but this time it’s the right time.
This time he is taking his annual autumnal dip to wash away the sins and transgressions of the past year.

This limited edition print of a re-mixed painting by Andy Heyward is printed on 300gsm card. It is individually numbered and signed. It comes wrapped in plastic and has a cardboard backing card. This is supplied unframed. It is available as A3 (420x297mm) or A4 (210x297mm).

These prints are op-shop paintings that I have embellished with my own artwork. Check out my other prints and originals in the re-mix series.

Additional information

Dimensions 420 × 297 × 3 mm
Print size

A3 (420x297mm), A4 (210x297mm)